What Informs a Buying Decision?

If you are in any type of sales role – direct selling, retail, B2B, etc., this blog will help you become better at understanding what informs your customers or clients to make a buying decision in your favor. It should also enlighten those that don’t understand why...

The First Sale – It's All About You!

In your customer’s eyes, the way you present yourself has a direct impact on how they perceive the quality of your product or service. If you do not present a quality image, and conduct yourself in a confident and professional manner, your customers may look to...

Your Virtual and Living Brand

In the age of Linkedin, Facebook, YouTube, blogging, etc. almost everyone has a brand in cyberspace. We also have a living brand which is shaped based on our interactions with others.  Whether you know it or not, your colleagues, your clients and your boss all have a...

Stop Chasing Too Many Priorities

Feeling overloaded and overwhelmed is the norm these days. Most corporate leaders and managers feel they have too many conflicting priorities and demands and must somehow satisfy everyone, and do everything to succeed. Research has revealed that the more executives...