Focus on the doers, not the watchers.
If everyone who says that they’re “in”, showed up, be they a team member, friend, fan, or long-term customer, amazing things would happen. Things would change and progress would be evident. Managers and leaders spend a lot of time trying to get their staff engaged and...
Personal Goal Setting
Success is not achieved by goal setting alone. Many people set ambitious goals but do not move the needle. Lasting success is achieved by having goals that are supported with an action plan, measurable objectives and supporters or accountability partners to keep you...
The leaders’ secret sauce – “learnership.”
Leadership is an evolving skill and continuous learning is essential. A combination of technical/hard and people/soft skills is necessary for success. Technical competence is no longer enough for success. “Soft” skills are the yin to the technical yang. Covid revealed...
Move Beyond Your To-Do Via Timeboxing
The single greatest challenge to success and fulfillment is procrastination. You know what needs to get done, by when and why, yet it doesn’t happen. Once again, the to-do list didn’t work. OK – let’s change the approach and try timeboxing. Timeboxing means setting...
3 Types of People
“People development” aka coaching and training, can be one of the most rewarding and fulfilling activities or one of the most frustrating. It all comes down to the person you are coaching and their openness and willingness to learn and grow. Years ago, I heard the...
You Are Unique! (Yes, You Are!)
Yes, you’ve heard those words before. Perhaps many times. Did you respond politely, smile, and say thank you or did you give the feedback serious consideration? Why did that person acknowledge or even praise you? Did you take the time to consider, and reflect upon,...
Job Interview Questions To Ask
As we come out COVID many people are reevaluating their career options and exploring alternatives. That means job interviews are a guarantee. Job interviews can be awkward for the interviewee and interviewer. These interactions, whether they are in person or virtual,...
Career Pathing for Young Professionals
I was recently asked for suggestions to offer young people entering the workforce after graduating from university or college, or when making a job change early in their career. Here’s the most important point of all – don’t try to get the “perfect” job as measured...
Discovering Your Fit
Organizations and teams each have their own culture and unique dynamic. Some are positive and constructive while others can be negative and destructive. The key for success and fulfillment is finding where you fit. Here’s what I’ve noticed can happen when people try...
Stuck in a Career Rut?
COVID has caused many people to feel like they are in a movie - Ground Hog Day. Being forced into “lock down” based routines, we can quickly become bored or frustrated with the daily routine or grind. Rather than quit, is it time to reinvent or rebrand yourself by...
Easy Path Not Always Best
The doctor in the small French village was about to retire. For years he had been on call. Day and night, he had cared for villagers, often without payment. As the day of his retirement approached, the villagers wanted to do something special for him. The people...
Virtual Meeting Protocol – Guidelines
We’re all Zooming and Teaming in an effort to stay in touch, connect and get things done in the safest and most efficient manner possible. So, how do we compensate for the lack of human connection by sitting at the boardroom table or hanging out in the kitchen and...
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