by kisonllg | Feb 19, 2016 | Coaching and Personal Success
Many people won’t take action until everything is lined-up, all the pieces are in place and they feel they’re in the “zone” – whatever that means. These are just excuses and self –justification for procrastinating. One of my Profs at university said it best “You...
by kisonllg | Feb 1, 2016 | Coaching and Personal Success, Uncategorized
Sinkholes don’t announce their presence. They reveal themselves in the most terrifying and destructive manner. At best it’s a section of road or property that disappears, at worst they swallow houses, cars, swimming pools and people. Sinkholes are caused when the...
by kisonllg | Jan 25, 2016 | Coaching and Personal Success
Feelings can be overrated and are even your enemy at times. I recently came back from a trip where I had been delivering a series of full day workshops and then doing my “day job” in the hotel room in the evening – many of you can relate to this scenario. When the...
by kisonllg | Nov 30, 2015 | Coaching and Personal Success
While holiday cheer fills the air and Christmas music plays in the background, we’re all trying to balance our workload with our social calendar. It’s a festive and busy time to be certain but it’s also the time to focus on finishing the year strong and planning for...
by kisonllg | Sep 23, 2015 | Coaching and Personal Success, Leadership
Leaders are humans, not machines; therefore, they are susceptible to bad moods just like everyone else. The difference between effective and poor leaders is that good leaders have developed the ability to get beyond a negative mood or bad situation and find the...
by kisonllg | Aug 31, 2015 | Coaching and Personal Success, Leadership
I came across this sign during a walk earlier this year and pondered how to interpret it? Does it only apply when the water is frozen, or do I need “walk on water” shoes? Perhaps the water has risen to cover the sidewalk, or is there a vital piece of...
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