by kisonllg | Sep 23, 2014 | Business Development and Sales, Coaching and Personal Success, Leadership, Personal Branding
Back in February, I wrote an article on “how not to lead” and it received a lot of attention so I decided to write Part two. Which mask are you wearing? We all wear masks. We have every day masks, special events, public, private – you get the picture. Which one do you...
by kisonllg | Sep 15, 2014 | Coaching and Personal Success, General
Sow a thought, reap an act; Sow an act, reap a habit; Sow a habit, reap a character; Sow a character, reap a destiny. ~ Anon Evidently, seeds of corn will not produce a crop of beans. Sow what? Sow what you want to reap. What are you sowing in terms of actions,...
by kisonllg | Sep 3, 2014 | Coaching and Personal Success, Priority and Time Management
Delegation is an issue that anyone who finds themselves in leadership, management or supervisory roles must learn to do if they are to improve their personal effectiveness and to develop others . I have found both in my own career and with those I coach, significant...
by kisonllg | Aug 21, 2014 | Coaching and Personal Success, Priority and Time Management
As fall is clearly on the horizon and I begin to prepare for the demands of a busy fall schedule, it is important to take the time to clarify my priorities and find ways to deliver value to my clients. Balancing personal and professional goals is important in order to...
by kisonllg | Aug 13, 2014 | Coaching and Personal Success, General
Years ago I learned a simple and powerful principle to live by – give and you will get. Give to others without an expectation of repayment and you will be amazed what you get from people you know and sometimes from those you don’t know at all. In most of western...
by kisonllg | Aug 5, 2014 | Coaching and Personal Success, Personal Branding, Presentation Skills
It’s interesting to watch and listen to people making up answers and pretending they know what they’re talking about when they are actually clueless. They won’t say “no, I don’t understand”, but rather try to fake it until they make it. A lack of confidence and the...
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