What game are you playing? Is it all about short term, quarterly outcomes or long-term transformational impact? Being tactical and clever allows you to meet corporate targets. Short term wins are important, required and can serve as steppingstones to bigger and more...
COVID has disrupted our lives and will continue to do so for many years to varying degrees. At “worst” it has been, and continues to be, destructive. At “best” it has forced many to do what they have been procrastinating on for years – innovating, growing...
Your willingness to step up, challenge the status quo, and be a change catalyst within your community, firm, and even your family, based on your principles and values is what may make the biggest difference and have the most impact. Being a change-maker means...
Throughout the pandemic, I’ve witnessed some leaders model best practices while others have demonstrated worst practices that will undermine their effectiveness and credibility and potentially weaken their organization. The past several months have taught those who...
You are a leader! Whether by title, office or most importantly your actions. In this challenging and anxiety inducing time, what is required are calm, levelheaded and confident leaders we can look to for direction and balanced perspectives. No one has all the answers....
If you’re drinking the “poison” (anger, resentment, revenge, jealousy, suspicion, etc.) that you are directing towards others, and in so doing, thinking you’re hurting them, you may be mistaken. It may slowly be “killing” you emotionally and relationally and even...
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