by kisonllg | Jan 16, 2018 | Coaching and Personal Success
Great project managers can be worth their weight in gold. Tight deadlines, budget constraints, politics and competing agendas all serve to create a powder-keg of challenges and problems. I have worked with, and coached project managers within the construction,...
by kisonllg | Jan 9, 2018 | Coaching and Personal Success
It’s not about slow or fast, instead its all about steady and staying the course. Granted steady is not glamourous or even “sexy”. The question to ask is – do you want to succeed via consistent gradual improvement or is being noticed because of a big flash the...
by kisonllg | Oct 3, 2017 | Coaching and Personal Success
History is full of examples of comebacks after personal “failures” such as injury, illness or persecution and set backs or defeats in the public realm of sports, business and politics. Too often, when facing overwhelming odds or defeat, people and organizations fold...
by kisonllg | Sep 6, 2017 | Coaching and Personal Success, Personal Branding
If I am honest with myself, and you with yourself, we’ll likely both arrive at the conclusion that in spite of any past dreaming, scheming, goal setting, hoping, planning, or stating – “This time it will be different” (feel free to add your own example as this...
by kisonllg | Aug 31, 2017 | Coaching and Personal Success, Communication, Leadership
Whether you have your own business, are thinking of going on your own, or you are running a division or business unit within a large corporation, the following guidelines for reputation building all apply. Without a strong and positive reputation, the critical word of...
by kisonllg | Aug 8, 2017 | Coaching and Personal Success, Personal Branding
As an entrepreneur you have a reputation – positive, neutral or negative. And, as an entrepreneur it is your job to make sure you get noticed, approached and selected. Your reputation will determine how successful you become. When I started my company 26 years ago,...
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